10 Films You Will Love If You Liked ‘Amelie’

Rarely is a film as life-affirming and singular as Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s La fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain (or as it is known in the English speaking world: Amélie). The simple yet engrossing tale of a naïve French girl who acts as the personification of karma and deals out justified retribution to the evil and childhood memories […]

10 Great Documentaries That Challenge the Conventions of the Genre


A documentary film is predisposed toward exposition. Whether shedding light on an artifact of popular culture or something more esoteric, the intention is nonetheless to share a slice of life that is assumed to be outside the bounds of common knowledge. By focusing on a subject outside the limelight, a documentary seeks to inform, enrich, […]

10 Filmmaking Lessons You Can Learn from ‘Taxi Driver’


Often when filmmakers watch films there’s a tendency to start… well, let’s call it ‘borrowing’ or ‘paying homage’ to be kind. Personally, I feel that there’s something of a trap by going this way, and I would always encourage people to disagree with me, but allow me to explain: if we’re all watching movies to […]

20 Great Examples of Hyperlink Cinema Every Film Buff Must Watch

hyperlink cinema

With the evolution of the medium, almost naturally, came the creative departures from the theatrical unity of space and time in storytelling. Fragmented narratives became a favourite area of experimentation for many influential makers. Composite plots consisting of mildly connected vignettes and simultaneously occurring events, often with no evident central characters, can be found almost […]