“Grief starts to become indulgent, and it doesn’t serve anyone, and it’s painful. But if you transform it into remembrance, then you’re magnifying the person you lost and also giving something of that person to other people, so they can experience something of that person.” – Patti Smith Witnessing the tragic departure of a beloved […]
Year: 2015
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The 10 Greatest Performances in a Stanley Kubrick Film
Before we begin our list, a little understanding of the ground rules I used. As all lists are essentially imperfect and subject to biases, but I still honestly tried to strike a balance uniqueness and impact for any given actor, and consider the body of work as a whole. As Kubrick only directed 13 feature […]
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The 25 Best Non-English Language Films of The 21st Century
American films get the most attention. Be it the high-budget summer blockbusters or the independent productions to come out during award season, American Film has the spotlight. However, we must take into account that the majority of films worldwide are not produced in the United States, and that means many other great pictures are being […]
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20 Less Known Indie Movies You Might Not Have Seen
The art of independent filmmaking has evolved considerably over the past few decades with a ceaseless collection of distinct and inimitable cinema. Although audiences distinguish most indie films as obscure treasures and cult favorites, numerous independent films from both past and present are equally as undesired and disregarded by moviegoers. Conclusively, here is a brief […]
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14 Famous Movie Scenes That Were Actually Unscripted
Putting a film together is a symphony involving a great many people, and a hell of a lot of planning. But there are times when that planning could learn a trick or two from spontaneous moments that take place during a film’s production. Sometimes things are rethought on the day, and occasionally random events occur […]
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10 Great Sci-Fi Horror Movies You Might Have Missed
The science fiction and horror genres are some of the most popular genres of movies, so it’s no surprise that these two genres often times cross into each other- after all, science fiction and horror have to do with the fear of the unknown. Some notable examples include, Alien, The Thing and Frankenstein. Often times […]