An exciting film category, overfull with potential yet often overlooked, is the portmanteau picture or anthology film. Consisting of several vignettes, often connected in thematic ways, or with the same premise or bookend situation, the anthology film can be a compelling, often outre experience, packing intense emotions and modes, never specific to any one genre, […]
Year: 2015
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20 European Horror Films From The 21st Century You Must Watch
Hollywood horror is now an endless stream of remakes, sequels and general lack of originality. There are some exceptions – It Follows while being reminiscent of classic horror makes ordinary people a reason to be fearful, which is to be admired – but these are few and far between. The other side of the Atlantic […]
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The 15 Best Movies About Alien Contact
Aliens have been a major part of pop culture since the beginning of the 20th century, quickly taking over the science fiction genre and maintaining popularity due to the unlimited possibilities that the concept of extraterrestrials offered. Some stories about aliens revolve around the foreign civilizations and futuristic advances on far-away planets. While these tales […]
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The 20 Greatest Female Filmmakers in Cinema History
Earlier this year there was a lot being written and talked about regarding the issue of gender discrimination when it comes to female directors, especially in Hollywood. In May this year, the American Civil Liberties Union urged the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and a few other agencies to investigate Hollywood’s hiring practices for evidence […]
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20 Great Mumblecore Movies Every Indie Lover Should See
Mumblecore as a genre is not particularly difficult to define. Primarily you have a small, intimate cast of characters, low budget production, in a film that relies heavily on dialogue to tell the story without the use of gimmicky plot devices or a great deal of action. Typically, the casts are not professional actors or […]
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The 15 Greatest Movie Performances of Modern Actors Playing Against Type
There are numerous reasons to go to the movies, but one of the most substantial is to see our favorite stars in the next big film that comes out. But it’s true that even stars can get typecast or stuck in a certain niche. That’s what makes it so rewarding when an actor plays against […]