16 Great Films From This Century That Are About Immigrants

The Immigrant

In February 2015, on the stage of the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, filmmaker Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu dedicated the Oscar he won for Birdman to his fellow Mexicans and generally to all immigrants, defining the United States “an incredible Immigrant Nation”. During the new millennium, the issue of immigration became more important than ever and […]

The 20 Best Lit Color Films in Movie History

Throughout history, human knowledge has been handed down through the generations via storytelling. Today, most of the planet’s population has access to a near infinite number of sources for knowledge, but still only a handful of platforms for stories: the oral tradition (including songs and lyrics), the written word, the static visual arts (painting, sculpture […]

10 Recent Movies Criminally Underrated by Their IMDb Scores


IMDb, the Internet Movie Database, is something of the audience’s Rotten Tomatoes. The movie-centric website features all the information you could ever desire about every film ever made, and it also gives users an opportunity to rate those movies on a star-system of 1-10. The website’s user-base is decidedly mainstream – some of the highest […]