The 10 Most Controversial Movies of The 2010s


Beneath artistic controversy lies a debate surrounding the nature of art: its mimetic powers and its goals. There are several positions towards these topics. Plato moved from banning artists to approving them under certain institutional conditions. In one of his most famous sayings, Nietzsche insinuated that controversial figures were nothing but a means for strengthening […]

The 15 Best Movies Related To The Punk Rock Movement

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The year is 1977. CBGB. Ramones. Sex Pistols. Mohawks, ragged clothes, crazy hair colors, leather jacket and boots. DIY. Three-Chord songs. Teen angst. Anarchy. Everywhere political tensions are growing – society is reaping the transformations that started in the 60’s, while the hippie revolution gains a more mature façade – and the anger felt by […]

20 Great Poetic Films That Are Worth Your Time


Poetic cinema is an ever elusive term that branches out into vast territory. Some associate it with the “arthouse”, others with the “avant garde”; two types of film making that in themselves escape lucid distinction. Poetry itself is an overarching monstrosity of concepts and aesthetics, so what part of poetry does “Poetic” cinema refer to? […]