9 Reasons Why “Children of Men” Is The Best Sci-fi Movie of The 21st Century (So Far)


Before his Oscar success with 2013’s astronaut thrill-ride, Gravity, Alfonso Cuarón sat in the director’s chair for the film adaptation of PD James’ 1992 dystopian book, The Children of Men, predicting a world where there are no children being born. Cuarón had already enjoyed acclaim for his work on the third (and best) Harry Potter […]

10 Mind-Blowing Theories That Completely Change Famous Movies

Great and admired films come along every year. Fewer stand the test of time, and even fewer ascend to the status of classics. The films listed here can be considered a few points shy of each level on account of controversy, critical drubbing, audience rejection, reevaluation in light of current trends and events, and of […]

10 Critically Acclaimed Movies from The 21st Century That Are Already Forgotten

It is not unusual for viewers to assume that films that stay memorable are those that earn critical acclaim and win numerous awards, if not the Oscar for Best Picture. However, there are films in recent memory, that despite receiving raving reviews and numerous accolades, have in one way or another, failed to stay relevant […]

9 Things “Reservoir Dogs” Can Teach You About Making Your First Feature Film

best debut films

Quentin Tarantino is one of the most popular directors of our time, and this result comes from his accomplishment of many extraordinary things. One of them is that he is constantly making art films, which are totally accessible to all audiences. However, as it is logical, the beginning of his career was difficult and as […]