This year marks the ten year anniversary of the release of the critically acclaimed but criminally under watched The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007). Written and directed by Andrew Dominik and adapted from Ron Hansen’s 1983 novel of the same name, it is one of the most accomplished films of […]
Month: August 2017
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The 10 Best Serial Killer Movies Based On Real-Life Murderers
There’s little doubt that serial killers, be they real or invented, appeal to our darker side, and we are fascinated by how they tick, and why they carry out such heinous crimes. So, as a result, there have been more than a few films charting the course of these most disturbed and alien off shoots […]
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The 20 Best Cannes Grand Prix Winners of All Time
For some only a consolation prize, but for others a good way to get recognition, the Cannes Grand Prix prize will have people always talking about it and its winner. It is responsible for introducing many film lovers to a variety of film sub-genres ranging from Yugoslav black wave comedies and guerrilla-style social dramas from […]
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The 10 Worst Movie Performances by Academy Award Winning Actors
The Academy Award has long been the ultimate recognition for almost every aspect of cinema, especially when it comes to acting. Throughout the years, despite there being many controversial wins like Gwyneth Paltrow winning over Cate Blanchett during the 1999 Oscars, it’s still no denying that the many Academy-Award winning performances were at least somewhat […]
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10 Great 1980s Action Movies You May Have Missed
The 1980s may have perfected the action movie genre: with censorship having been relaxed throughout the 70s and audiences becoming more accustomed to darker and edgier content in their films, action movies of this decade took a decidedly more violent turn. Although this decade produced some of the most beloved action films of all time–Die […]
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The 15 Most Rewatchable Movies of the 21st Century
Rhythm is one of the most important elements of cinema. Every movie has recognizable beats, whether narrative or visual. The way in which they are constituted and ordained will determine the pace of a film. For this reason, Michael Haneke has said that cinema is more similar to music than it is to literature. A […]