10 Famous Movie Directors Synonymous With One City

Just as cinema and its techniques evolved from the beginning of the 20th century, an interesting parallel presented itself in the increasing industrialization of modern life from this time onwards. Both became intertwined; the urban landscape provided the film industry with the infrastructure and resources it needed to thrive, with cinema helping to shape how […]

The 10 Best Movies Rated Lower Than 7.0 On IMDB

IMDB, along with Rotten Tomatoes, are perhaps the most well-known and widely used web resource when it comes to getting film recommendations. Why consult the opinion of a single critic when you can consults hundreds, if not thousands of individuals. The reputation of these sites has proven so formidable that more often than not, hype […]

The 10 Most Exquisitely Lit Movies of All Time

Artists have always been drawn to the interplay between light and dark, both literally and metaphorically. In order to represent a subject, knowing how to use light properly can be crucial. This is especially true to movies, where well-deployed lighting can be the difference between merely a good film and a great one. Films can […]

The 10 Most Disturbing Movies of the 21st Century (So Far)

What is it about truly disturbing movies that film fans enjoy? Is it their sheer audacity and strangeness? The extreme violence and graphic sexual elements that are often on display in these films? Is it some sort of severe second-hand prurient thrill we’re seeking through fiction? Whatever the case, many dedicated cinephiles tend to seek […]