10 Reasons Why “The Prestige” is Christopher Nolan’s Best Movie So Far

The Prestige

Since his debut with Following, Christopher Nolan has steadily produced a body of work that will no doubt secure his place amongst the pantheon of brilliant directors. As a filmmaker, Nolan has pioneered new ways to tell stories, to stage action set pieces and has reimagined the modern day blockbuster. This groundbreaking approach to filmmaking […]

All 17 Oscar Best Original Screenplay Winners From The 21st Century Ranked

An original screenplay doesn’t adhere to the rules of adaptation, which often lends the subsequent original film more novelty than the latest production of a New York Times bestseller. In the 21st century, countless innovative screenwriters have taken real life or a really great idea and set the foundation for refreshing genuine cinema. They’ve missed […]

15 Great Movies To Watch If You Liked “Stranger Things”

Equally influenced by Steven Spielberg’s family-adventure films, 80s nostalgia, Stephen King’s novels and John Carpenter’s retro synth soundscapes, “Stranger Things” was one of the best received shows of 2016. Not only did it gain a lot of popularity in a very short time, but it already feels like a classic. Last week, the second season […]

10 Movie Masterpieces That Are Criminally Underrated (Part 4)

Magical Girl 2014

Throughout the history of film, the term “Masterpiece” gets thrown around rather frequently, loosely even, with common names like Citizen Kane and Casablanca coming to mind, being praised for their level of innovation and general greatness. Though such films are undeniably great, there are a few black sheep (that will not be named) which are […]