20 Great Documentaries That Will Change Your Worldview

Bowling for Columbine

Unlike other artforms, documentaries don’t hide their agendas. The documentarian begins with a conviction, and the purpose of the film is to convince the viewer of the truth of said conviction, regardless of its actual veracity. Not all documentarians are like this. Some, who believe in the unbiased pursuit of truth, produce honest but boringly […]

5 Great Movies Influenced By “2001: A Space Odyssey” That Aren’t Sci-fi Films

Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey is widely considered one of the greatest films ever made, regardless of genre. It consistently ranks high in polls of critics, directors, and audiences when determining cinema’s best offerings, and it’s easy to see why; 2001 is unforgettable, a grand visual spectacle chronicling man’s evolutionary journey from […]