The 10 Most Common Historical Mistakes in Movies

While historical movies can be most enjoyable, and a window onto another time, they are commonly inaccurate, which can spoil the fun. Some inaccuracies are designed to increase suspense or add exposition, in short, for dramatic reasons, and these are easy to forgive. In some cases movies may be both extremely realistic and contain many […]

10 Forgotten Movie Masterpieces That Need To Be Rediscovered (Part 3)

The Olympics has the gold medal. The county fair has the blue ribbon. International film festivals have Golden Palms, Golden Lions and Silver Bears (yes, really). All of those represent the very best (at least in the opinion of someone or some body of people). However, the Olympics also has silver and bronze medals. Fairs […]

6 Interpretations of “Mother!” That Deserve Consideration

Darren Aronofksy’s latest film is designed to cause an emotional outburst of some variety. It is a nasty attempt to provoke a reaction from every single person watching it in the cinema, and he probably doesn’t care if that outburst is positive or negative: it is the reaction that counts. mother! focuses on Jennifer Lawrence […]

The 15 Most Extreme Horror Movies of All Time

Horror movies are already known for being filled with acts of murder, gory special effects, and disturbing stories. But even within this genre is a subgenre that goes further than the average horror film. Loosely connected under the label “extreme horror,” these films are unbelievably violent and explicit, often teetering on–if not outright garnering–an NC-17 […]