Alll 7 “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of the most iconic and influential movies of all time. There’s no real argument against it. It came in and changed cinema, furthering the conversation that had begun with “Night of the Living Dead” and commenced with “The Last House on the Left”. Leatherface is one of the […]

10 Actors Who Disappeared After Career-Defining Performances

A great performance is definitive, and can often be separated from an actor or actress. That isn’t to say that these professionals are not capable of delivering a certain caliber of quality more often, but standout performances usually do exactly what they are called: stand out. These special performances can spark a newcomer’s journey, rejuvenate […]

The 10 Most Shocking Deaths in Horror Movies

The element of surprise is a major weapon in any storyteller’s arsenal. Their seeming voyeuristic delight in watching someone expecting one thing and delivering the complete opposite must be ultimately satisfying. To kill off a major character unexpectedly (happens a few times in this list) when the character is ingrained in the viewers mind as […]

7 Reasons Why “Blade Runner 2049” is a Masterpiece

So many will be lost. All those memories, so meaningful to the individual, will fade away. Their lives had purpose, their narratives were inspired through experience, by the love or harsh teachings of a parent, a vengeful or forgiving deity, a chemical spur in the brain, by the ultimate randomness of interlinked cells or by […]