10 Great Movies That Define Independent Cinema

Lost in Translation

For any cinephile, there is nothing more exciting than an independent film. With a scene that is comprised of ambitious filmmakers eager to push envelopes (and buttons, sometimes) and free from complete studio control, the possibilities of an independent film are endless, and the viewer is usually guaranteed to see something they never thought possible […]

The 10 Worst Movie Franchises of All Time

Generally made to milk a concept, character or genre, movie sequels have never been especially renowned for their artistic integrity. In the case of movies with more than one sequel, these often mammoth series of spin offs and money grinders—series which can last decades in some cases—are all too often perfect examples of the law […]

10 Reasons Why “Blade Runner 2049” Is Better Than The Original

Sequels are a hard nut to crack. Hollywood’s insistence on utilizing any name brand they can get their hands on doesn’t always work. It rarely does. Just because something had a name that was worthwhile at some point, or worthwhile to a niche audience, doesn’t mean it’s going to make money, and money is what […]

9 Reasons Why “Shame” is a Modern Masterpiece


Steve McQueen’s “Shame” is a film one can rarely encounter. The director is also a visual artist, which obviously has an immense impact on his visual and narrative style. “Shame” is his second film, following his debut film “Hunger” which doesn’t shy away from showing the brutality and violence inflicted upon an individual, in a […]