6 Reasons Why “Submarine” is One of the Best Romantic Comedies of the 21st Century

A teenage boy walks through a sterile hallway, a bouquet of flowers clutched in his hand. A girl looks up at him. “You should go in,” she declares. So the boy walks across a long, metal bridge toward a woman who lies asleep, looking half dead. You wouldn’t be alone if you assumed that extravagant, […]

10 Alternate Movie Endings That Are Better Than The Originals

Alternate endings can often be a fascinating insight into the creative process behind films that we know and love. Sometimes alternate endings never make it past the storyboard stage, and other times multiple endings are filmed and tested before the final ending is chosen. Alternate endings can also reveal a filmmaker’s thoughts and feelings about […]

Meditation Park – VIFF 2017 Review

Meditation Park

Bookended by a pair of pining yet positive 1960s-era pop songs from Chinese diva Chang Loo, Mina Shum’s latest film, Meditation Park, bristles with passion and perseverance in a contemporary-set story of devotion, deliverance, and revision amongst an aging married couple at a crossroads. Meditation Park is sensational in its subtlety and simplicity as Shum, […]