In a episode of the animated TV show The Simpsons, son Bart provoked a long series of laughs from his family by revealing that his memory was only seven minutes of duration and he insisted that he wasn’t kidding. The Simpsons, for anyone who knows the show, is a marvel of compression, packing much into […]
Month: May 2018
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Top 30 Stephen King Movies Ranked From Worst To Best
Stephen King is a towering figure in modern day storytelling. Ever since his debut back in the 70s with “Carrie,” he was a voice to always pay attention to. With each successive year and a new story, he cemented his place in the pantheon of all-time great writers. There may be some naysayers, because anyone […]
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The 10 Most Pretentious Movies of All Time
When a film fails to be as impressive at it presumes it will be, it is pretentious. A film can seek to be impressive in many telling ways. However, the gossamer of visual effects, the clout of celebrity, or a miscalculated promotional campaign, can fail or work against the visionary objective. Such is the case […]
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8 Reasons Why “Avengers: Infinity War” Is The Best Superhero Movie of All Time
Avengers: Infinity War is the greatest superhero film of all time – there is no doubt about it. And if you think that it isn’t then adolescent Groot has something to say about that – “I am Groot!” Sorry for that foul language but Groot has a point. Take a superhero film that combines everything […]
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10 Great Movies That Are Extremely Hard To Watch
Cinema in its early days was intended, mostly, to please. Its spectacular mix of sound and images was considered the most radical invention in the field of entertainment. Yes, early filmmakers like Sergei Eisenstein took it upon themselves to craft films that were not only depictions of real-life pain and joy, making the cinematic endeavour […]
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The 25 Most Infamous Movies of All Time
A quick glance at IMDb’s Top 250 page, or even at nominally more serious attempts to supposedly list the “greatest films ever,” shows that few people, their claims of be-ing “cinephiles” notwithstanding, take cinema seriously as an art form. The petit bourgeois journalist-cum-“critic” views cinema the same way he (it is usually a he) views […]