10 Great Movies Featuring Two Equally Brilliant Performances

No matter how many great performances a film has, there’s always that one that stands out. Maybe it’s the writing, or the stronger or more outrageous character, or more simply, the right actor getting the right role. Whatever the reason, the results can be electric. But what about those films that have two equally brilliant […]

10 Movie Franchises That Should Have Never Existed

While working to make popular ideas fit the big screen, film franchises often fall short of their goals. Since the film industry is focused on entertaining, engaging with, and stupefying fans of any idea, then any film mogul could realize (and likely has realized) almost immediately that a good idea is profitable, whereas rehashing the […]

10 Cult Movies That Are Now Considered Masterpieces

A work of art acquires a diachronic character when its aesthetic and conceptual value exceeds the boundaries of space-time and subjectivity. On the contrary, especially when it comes to the multifaceted artistry of music and cinema, old-fashioned aesthetic features may seem frozen but still alive in a specific cultural frame of the past, signifying an […]