Some people claim the long shots of some recent movies are just a way for the directors and cinematographers to call attention to them, instead of permitting the story to talk for itself. This can be true, and maybe it even is about some of the selections on this list, but the unbroken shot (or […]
Author: Caio Coletti
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The 15 Best Dramatic Performances By Usually Comic Actors

It’s unfair to say that comic actors are not taken seriously in the industry and among the public, but it’s also naïve to say they receive the same kind of recognition as their peers that lean into dramatic roles. Maybe that’s why so many of them feel compelled to take on a drama from now […]
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The 10 Best Paul Giamatti Movie Performances

Though he was already nominated for an Oscar for his supporting performance in Cinderella Man, and though he is in a number of big-budget movies seen by a huge amount of people, Paul Giamatti is still a seriously underrated actor. His ability to incorporate different characters (even though he is usually cast as villainous ones) […]
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10 Actors Who Got a Lot of Oscar Nominations – and Never Won

We all know Leo DiCaprio should have an Oscar by now. Even though he’s only 41 years-old, and competition has been tough every one of the 5 times he was nominated, his work has been so consistently great in the last few years, it seems like an outrage that he doesn’t have an “Academy Award […]
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10 Great 2015 Performances that Weren’t Nominated for an Oscar

The ongoing controversy about the Academy not nominating any actors and actresses of color for their performances in 2015 is slowly dividing the internet between those who accept the problem of an Academy fellowship comprised of mostly white, mostly older, mostly male members; and the ones claiming they did nominate black, latino and other minority […]
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10 Great Overlooked Performances by This Year’s Oscar Nominees

Despite the controversy surrounding the lack of non-white performers among this year’s Academy Awards nominees, the actors who got nominated form a very talented batch. So why not take a look at their earlier performances, the ones that flew under the Academy’s radar, like so many do every year? Only one of these movies is […]