Acting is one of the capital aspects of films. Even though there are filmmakers who have decide to use non-actors, make animation, or even do not display people in their films, most of the films do need the work of professionals who specialize in impersonating another human being. When a film needs to tell the […]
Author: German Torres Ascencio
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The 10 Best Movie Character Arcs of All Time

Like music, cinema is an art form that takes place in time. Some of its main principles, according to Bordwell and Thomson, are repetition, variation, unity and development, concepts that remind us of musical composition. The difference is that instead of working these principles with only melodies and harmonies, cinema deals with characters. It is […]
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10 Great Movies With The Best Mise-en-scène

Originally used in theater, mise-en-scene is one of the most powerful concepts/tolls of filmmaking. It involves the arrangement of what appears in the frame, and the relation of it with the camera. The French term is used in every film from neorealism to contemporary filmmaking that draws away clearly from realism. David Bordwell and Kristin […]
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10 Great Movies That Explore The Dynamics of Relationships

Being a phenomenon that takes place in time, a relationship is subject to its havoc. There is no thing that can last longer than time; it ends with everything. Thus, the highly valued initial feeling of a relationship is rarely still there when the relationship is over. Most of the time, the pain of loving […]
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The 10 Most Moving Scenes in Movie History

When it comes to generating empathy, there are few art forms that can compare to the power of cinema. Cinema can use the power of other art forms such as theater, music and poetry to create moments that affect us as few things can. As Ingmar Bergman once said, “No art passes our conscience in […]
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10 Modern Filmmakers Who Challenge Classic Narrative Mode

Cinema started as an entertainment business more than an art business; it was a brand new technology and an art form whose artistic potential was not suspected. There were no filmmakers, only people deeply interested in storytelling and moving images. These people who had never seen a film had to start somewhere and they used […]