The strange year of 2020 has brought many disappointments, including the closing of theatres and the delay of many of the most anticipated films of the year. As a result, cinephiles and casual movie-goers alike have had to curb their expectations for upcoming movies and try to enjoy what they could from the comfort of […]
Author: Henry Tannler
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10 Great Horror Comedies You May Have Never Seen

Although they seem to be polar opposites on the surface, horror and comedy are two sides of the same coin. In terms of writing, they both rely on a certain kind of buildup and a certain kind of payoff. Whether it’s comedic or horrifying, that built up tension and payoff often has a similar structure […]
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The 10 Best Directorial Debut Horror Films

A well-received directorial debut can jump-start a successful career for an otherwise unknown filmmaker. However, countless examples of debut failures prove that this is no easy feat. More often than not, a debut film is dictated by a relatively low budget and a restricted script, making it even more difficult and intimidating for a director […]