Sandwiched between Halloween and Christmas, Thanksgiving’s like the awkward middle child that’s always forgotten. This underrated American Holiday isn’t as flashy as the other two big ones, but Thanksgiving still manages to be an absolute blast- the perfect time to eat pie, chow down on turkey, visit relatives, and if you’re in Sweet Home Alabama, […]
Author: Jed Dy
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The 10 Best Chow Yun Fat Movies

Chow Yun Fat is the coolest action star of all time because he’s the sweetest. Or maybe it’s because he’s the sweetest he’s the coolest. On May 18, 1955, Chow Yun Fat was born on Lamma Island, Hong Kong. His mother was a cleaner and vegetable farmer, his father an oil tanker. Living in a […]
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The 12 Best David Lynch Short Films

“Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and more pure.They’re huge and abstract. And they’re very beautiful.” – David Lynch Red curtains. Telephone […]
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The 10 Best Poliziotteschi Films

When 70s American and French cinemas were overtaken by worlds of gangsters and crime, you bet Italy had to make their own! Italy was in a time of extreme political tension and unrest. It was a bloody time in Bel Paese. The country was overrun by real life gangs, crimes, and assassinations boiled into the […]
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14 Great Animated Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

Animation isn’t a genre, it’s an art form. Sadly the general audience often does not realize this, resulting in less movies and funding. Which is extremely unfortunate, as animation is probably the best thing that ever happened to cinema. Think about it, seventy-five percent of live-action movies coming out nowadays are practically animated because of […]
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10 Great Spaghetti Westerns You’ve Probably Never Seen

With directors like Quentin Tarantino, Jim Jarmusch, (as well as properties like “Logan,” “The Mandalorian,” “Red Dead Redemption” and “Westworld”) being so popular with the kids nowadays, you’d expect the genres said popular properties found much inspiration in to be even more favored. Unfortunately, that isn’t true for spaghetti westerns. Maybe for the Leone films, […]