The 10 Most Overrated Sci-fi Movies of All Time


The term “overrated” is tough for writers because it’s hard to define what makes a movie overrated. If a movie is critically acclaimed but commercially under-the-radar, can it be considered overrated? Similarly, if a movie is a smash hit with everyone besides critics, can we define it as overrated? Because of this loose definition, the […]

The 10 Most Disappointing Movies of 2018 So Far

Since this has become somewhat customary, it appears that now is the time for another mid-year list of big disappointments. As much as Taste of Cinema readers love reading lists about recommendations, it’s worth exploring movies that may be better left avoided. It’s particularly important to talk about these movies because, in theory, they seemed […]

The 10 Biggest Failed Oscar Bait Movies

Contrary to popular belief, Oscar bait is a pretty new phenomenon. Back in the day, studios had vague ideas about what voters were looking for, but the 2000’s were really when everyone started to specifically target awards season voters. They noticed patterns pertaining to the preferred genre, release date, and cast members. This allowed them […]

10 Movies That Are Underrated Because They Are Too Complex

Let’s get one thing out of the way: this particular list isn’t meant to be pompous. Just because somebody doesn’t like a movie doesn’t mean they don’t understand it. That being said, there are some movies that fail to gain recognition because they’re too complicated. This doesn’t mean that people exclusively hate The Fountain because […]

The 10 Biggest Box Office Bombs from Acclaimed Directors

The Lovely Bones (2009)

Even the best directors make mistakes. It’s not like Ridley Scott expected Alien: Covenant to gross a lousy $74 million domestically. Sometimes the most successful directors fail to drawn in a crowd. Whether that’s because of poor reviews, bad marketing, lack of interest, or some combination of the three, it’s hard for any director to […]