A man’s shadow follows him wherever he goes. Contrary to what we’d like to believe, gothic fiction doesn’t require a haunted Victorian mansion or an old, dark crypt. Darkness can be found in the commonest of places; even your own house. The “Suburban Gothic” focuses on that darker side of the neighbourhood. It treats the […]
Author: Kyle McDonnell
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The 20 Best Outback Gothic Films

In every cranny, every crevice, every corner of the Earth, there is darkness. There are shadows too in that Great Southern Land of ragged mountain ranges and of droughts and flooding rains. In contrast to the Victorian and Southern Gothic – which conventionally focused on the evil associated with cramped, urban spaces or ghostly, old […]
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15 Great Meta-Horror Films That Will Make You Rethink the Genre

“We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.” -Toni Morrison Why exactly would we watch a movie? We know it’s merely an imitation yet we allow ourselves to suspend all rationality and commit to people and spaces that don’t exist. Why? Metacinema […]
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15 Great Tragedies Disguised as Horror Movies

“Beware the ides of March.” -William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (2.3:103) What exactly makes a tragedy tragic? Is it that is was inevitable or that it was avoidable? Is it the result of divine will or the result of human error? Many see tragedy as a dead art form, one which belongs to the Ancient Greeks […]
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The 10 Best Pre-Romero Zombie Movies

Resembling a great and terrible battle, the blood and horror of ‘Night of the Living Dead’ altered the path of cinematic history. Every zombie movie made after it owed itself in some way to George A Romero’s original film, generally attaching the mythical creature to a disease: a brainless, contagious, man-eating animal in an apocalyptic […]
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15 Great Horror Movies That Play on Gendered Fears

“I like women, especially beautiful ones. If they have a good face and figure, I would much prefer to watch them being murdered than an ugly girl or man.” – Dario Argento Fear is intricate; it’s entwined in the innumerate things that define who we are: our culture, our evolution, our relationships, our existence and, of […]