It may seem as though that film is a medium that exclusively praises the media. Documentarians are pseudo journalists in their own right so it does make sense so many movies have respect for those that deliver people news and entertainment. But a deeper look into movies and their relationship with the media reveals just […]
Author: Nicholas Ward
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The 10 Best Movies To Come Out of Dead Genres

“There will be a time when the superhero movie goes the way of the Western.” Steven Spielberg said this back in 2015, and while superhero movies have not died out yet, he does have a point. Genre popularity in film is finite. Sure, there are revivals and resurgences, but a good amount of film genres […]
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10 Great Movies That Subvert Color Theory

In film, rules are meant to be broken. Color theory is one of the most well-known guides in all of cinema. The general premise that certain colors matched with a specific brightness, saturation, and value will elicit certain emotional reactions from the audience has been followed by many and worked very well. But for more […]