Handheld camera didn’t really exist until the late 1950s. Sure, directors like Dziga Vertov or even Abel Gance played around with the technique, but due to the size and weight of camera, focus, tripods, etc, true handheld had to come much later. In the late 1950s, cameras could be picked up, creating a new form […]
Author: Sean Ryan
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8 Great Movies Made While The Director Was In Exile

There are many sayings that dealing with being at a low point in your life can aspire great creativity, or by oppression comes liberation through the arts, and so forth. This can be made especially for directors away from their traditional means of filmmaking. Due to a variety of reasons, a director is forced to […]
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The 10 Most Cinematic Movies With Minimalist Plot

A large amount of films today rely so tightly on the narrative structure that they can underuse the aspects of the cinematic language. All films boil down to what story you’re telling or how you’re going to tell it. However, with the minimal use of story, plot, and character – you can actually achieve the […]
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10 Great Movies Exploring The Essence To Be A Human Being

What does it mean to be a human being? What is our longing to be homo sapiens on this planet? What about our human condition makes it’s so vital to possess the full essence of being a human being? Everyone has thoughts on this and I can assure you this list won’t answer those questions. […]
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The 10 Best Crime Thrillers of All Time

Crime thrillers are ones that can stick out on a viewer’s mind for a variety of reasons. They are not just crime films and it is wrong to label one as such. Yes, this sub-genre of crime films can fall into Pre-Code gangster pictures, Film or Neo Noir to Poliziotteschi to police or serial killing […]
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10 Movie Masterpieces That Are Under 90 Minutes

When making a film, the director has something to say, express or use the cinematic language as their canvas. Sometimes a film needs to be of epic proportions such as length or time to make that statement bold. On the contrary, some filmmakers are gifted in a way they can express and / or state […]