It’s pretty straightforward. You need a script to make a film or a story that translate to the screen. And for some iconic directors, they would not be where they are today without some of their closest collaborators – the writer(s). Sure, auteurs or the writer-director can state his or her vision straight from themselves, […]
Author: Sean Ryan
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10 Great Movies With a Perfect Ensemble Cast

Ensemble films can either unify or be a complete mess, like many other things. Whether they are parallel stories in a shared world, or a group of great actors occupying the same time and space, they must flow together to make a lasting film. On this list, there are films where actors don’t ever cross […]
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10 Great Movies That Explore The Suffering of Women

Women have always been at the forefront of films, but can be sadly overlooked. Maybe it was due to the lack of women behind the camera, the audiences, the time period, or a million other reasons. However, when this new art came about in the 20th century, women’s stories have been categorized by stereotype or […]
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The 10 Greatest Director-Muse Relationships of All Time

What makes a muse? There are infinite contradictions and attractions, love and hate that inspire an artist from one living source. Muses can last a lifetime or just a short period of time. They can be strictly platonic or include real-life romances off the screen. Regardless, an artist such as a director and in this […]
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10 Great Western Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

Westerns once dominated the Hollywood era, the European scene, and many aspects of the film world. However, many got overshadowed by the large excesses or similar types of films. On this list, you won’t see films by John Ford, Howard Hawks or Sergio Leone, but rather films that resemble a similar bravura and aesthetic for […]
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10 Great Movies That Show Humans As Complicated Beings

Human beings are complicated creatures. We always have been and always will be due to an assortment of thousands of psychological actions, life experiences, and choices. As we see in cinema, this bleeds onto the screen, yet we are so compelled by these films and characters that they stick with us for a very long […]