20 Films You Won’t Want to Miss at VIFF 2015

Now in its 34th year, the 2015 edition of the Vancouver International Film Festival (September 24th – October 9th, 2015) looks to be the brightest yet. Screening 355 films overall, 238 which are feature length, from 70 countries, VIFF promises to have something intriguing and exciting for everyone. And while the queue may be intimidating, […]

The 10 Best Movies Written by, Adapted From, or Inspired by Raymond Chandler

Raymond Chandler movies

With his antithetical tableau of Los Angeles as a subterrane city both gritty and sublime, Raymond Chandler (1888-1959) reawakened the detective novel, taking it from the dour pulp fiction dustbin into the floodlights of celebrated and illustrious literature. Chandler began his writing career, first for pulp magazines, in his early 40s with short stories and […]

10 Great Movies Featuring Mysteriously Missing Females

Gone Girl (2014)

The term “damsel in distress” is a vapid expression to be sure, along with “femme fatale” or the more recent trope of the “manic pixie dream girl.” What these arguably sectarian euphemisms point to is cinema’s steady association and obsession with womanhood in different and distinctive modes. Certainly there have been times where film has […]

25 Great Anthology Movies That Are Worth Your Time

best anthology movies

An exciting film category, overfull with potential yet often overlooked, is the portmanteau picture or anthology film. Consisting of several vignettes, often connected in thematic ways, or with the same premise or bookend situation, the anthology film can be a compelling, often outre experience, packing intense emotions and modes, never specific to any one genre, […]