We have officially made it to the halfway point of the year, and compared to 2020, it feels like time has flown by. In most countries, the COVID virus has settled down and people are starting to return to some state of normalcy. The shadow of last year still looms, but it still feels like […]
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10 Great Gangster Comedies You May Have Never Seen
There was a time in cinema where crime films, particularly mafia and gangster related films, were way more common than they are now. Nowadays, you only get the Russian mafia as a villain in your actions. In those days, we also got a lot of comedies that mocked those too tough, too evil or too […]
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10 Great British Films Made By Non-British Directors
Alfred Hitchcock. Christopher Nolan. Ridley Scott. Steve McQueen. Britain is mostly known in the world of cinema for producing talented directors that eventually move out of the United Kingdom and across to the filmmaking big league of Hollywood. Often regarded as a spring board to bigger things abroad, Britain has never had the magnitude of […]
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15 Movies That Had The Biggest Influences On The Films of The Coen Brothers
Is there a more recognizable voice in contemporary American cinema than this quirky Minnesotan duo? Ever since they burst into scene in 1984, the Coens have established themselves as one of the most prolific and unique auteurs working today. Their films are perfectly accessible and enjoyable at a surface level, but sufficiently layered and clever […]
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The 10 Best Movies About Social Inequality
The haves and the have-nots is a story theme as old as time itself. For as long as humans have been living in society, there have been people with a lot and people with a little. Within the past few years, democratic socialism, the wealth gap, income inequality, and complex discussions about sex, gender, and […]
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The 10 Best Films of Chantal Akerman
Chantal Akerman (1950-2015) emerged as a filmmaker of the American avantgarde in the 1970’s working in the structural school that saw Michael Snow’s 45-minute long zoom Wavelength and Andy Warhol’s 7-hour static shot of the Empire State Building making the rounds at art galleries and cinemas, but would go on to redefine herself in a […]