In the late 1990s, there was a short-lived TV show about the movie industry titled “Action” starring Jay Mohr, who ironically stars in the latest Damon/Affleck feature “Air”. The show was great enough with some sharp writing but it didn’t last long. In one episode, a character complains about how it’s hard to write a […]
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All 15 M. Night Shyamalan Movies Ranked From Worst To Best
When he first got his breakthrough in the late 90s, he was celebrated as the next big thing but the inconsistency through his career made him somewhat of a divisive filmmaker. At some point in his career, he seemed like he makes only failures and if you were no fan of his earlier output, then […]
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The 10 Best Psychological Western Movies
The western genre is a storied one. From the Sergio Leone zapata vehicles, whose towering Man with No Name trilogy continues to loom high as a cinematic infuence, to the subversiveness of Anthony Mann’s films, the undisputed classics have mostly retained their power. The western’s template has undergone decade after decade of revision and refinement […]
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The 20 Best Thriller Movies of The 1990s
If there’s something that every movie buff can agree on, it’s that the 1990s were a pretty fun decade for film. The emergence of a new wave of indie American cinema, spearheaded by the likes of Richard Linklater, Quentin Tarantino, and Paul Thomas Anderson, busted open Hollywood and produced a bounty of stone-cold classics that […]
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The 20 Best Action Movies Of The 21st Century
The 21st century has been kind to the action genre: big-spectacle, high-budget films have become hot commodities once more after limping through the 1990s hobbled by waning interest in big muscles, big guns, and big explosions. Instead, bigger was not only better but necessary to draw back increasingly shrinking audience engagement in action films. The […]
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The 10 Most Horrifying Movies of All Time
What classifies a film as being truly horrifying? Is it just about how scary it is or is about how it stays with the viewer after the credits have rolled? Both can be true, but it’s the ones where these feelings overlap that make for punishing cinema. There has been a plethora of horror films […]