When explaining why he dropped out of film school, Paul Thomas Anderson said “My film making education consisted of finding out what filmmakers I liked were watching, then seeing those films. I learned the technical stuff from books and mags…Film school is a complete con, because the information is out there if you want it.” […]
Month: October 2014
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The 14 Best Zombie Movies Every Horror Fan Should Watch

Deeply rooted in Haitian Folklore, zombies have become well-known horror creature spanning from literature, comic books, to cinema, and more recently T.V. Zombies have prevailed in popular culture due to our immense fascination with death. It comes from a ritual in Haitian Voodoo religion in which a corpse is reanimated and controlled by the bokor (a […]
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20 Great Films On Netflix You Should Watch Right Now

In this day and age, it is hard to recommend a film that someone has not seen or heard of. However, it can happen given how many films are made each year and released each week; many not even making it into the cinemas, just ending up on straight-to-video release. The following 20 suggestions to […]
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The 12 Best Courtroom Movies of All Time

Courtroom dramas have been popular for a long time. Starting off as radio shows in the 1930’s, television soon followed suit in the late 1940s, when the medium overtook radio as the most popular at home past-time. It wasn’t long before the genre was also well established on the silver screen, with the late 1950s […]
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20 Overlooked 80s Thrillers That Are Worth Your Time

The thriller genre was going full steam in the late 1970’s, with the large scale success of John Carpenter’s low budget film Halloween in 1978 propelling the thriller genre forward into the 1980’s. Thrillers were generally made up of more conventional crime films and murder mysteries, or slasher films such as Friday the 13th and […]
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The 15 Best Documentaries of The 2000s

Due to consumer-priced digital video, a shrinking amount of grown up movies in multiplexes, increased global awareness, and a few films by a man named Michael Moore, the 2000s were a watershed moment for documentary film. From the beginning of the decade to the end, production values were on the rise, as were the sheer […]