The first film screening in Dutch history took place in 1896. This was less than a year after the first private screening of projected motion pictures ever took place. This early, the Netherlands were already part of the film industry. Since then, the Netherlands have always played a role in the European film scene. And […]
Month: October 2014
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The 20 Best Vampire Movies Every Horror Fan Should Watch

Cinema’s debt to vampires can not be underestimated. Seductive, dangerous and lonely, vampires called cinema’s attention nearly since its beginning and were crucial to cinema´s development by writing some of its most memorable chapters. Myths and historic approximations surrounding vampires are abundant. However, it was Bram Stoker’s classic Dracula the novel that settled the modern picture […]
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Filmmaker Retrospective: The Cinema of Darren Aronofsky

Committing oneself to an ideal is a respectable goal. However, the protagonists of Darren Aronofsky’s films would benefit from keeping everything in moderation. As an emerging auteur, Aronofsky is still fairly young, but over the past two decades, he has proven himself as a director with consistent vision and mettle. His stories are warning tales […]
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13 Essential Alan Parker Films You Need To Watch

Starting his working life as a copywriter and director in advertising for over a decade, British auteur Alan Parker (b. 1944), while not the most subtle of directors to work in the industry, has created some of the most indelible, emotionally unsentimental and truthful of films over the past half century. Breaking onto the cinematic […]
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The 20 Best English-Language Independent Films of The Past 5 Years

Is anybody else tired of hearing “they don’t make them like they used to”? It is easy to be cynical about the artistic output of one’s own generation. With hindsight behind the classics of old, it is easy to feel that the grass was greener in times of old. Sure, it’s easy to look at […]
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10 Essential Peter Greenaway Films You Need To Watch

To properly acquaint oneself with the work of English auteur Peter Greenaway is to become a student of the neo-baroque, postmodernism, art history, and religious allegory. Trained as a painter, Greenaway’s passion for the films of Bergman, Fellini, Godard, Pasolini, and Resnais led him to begin a career in experimental film in the early 1960’s. […]