There’s something about first love. To be innocently in love without massive burdens of responsibility that comes with maturing into a fully grown-up person. Everything is in its place and things surely can’t get any better than that. Doubtlessly everybody sometimes think about the what if-s that come with thinking about first love. What if […]
Month: March 2015
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The 15 Best Ensemble Comedies of All Time

Ensemble films rely on a large cast of colorful characters in order to develop the themes of the plot. Ensemble comedies are a bit different from their dramatic counterparts in that they use the large celebrity casts as a background of zany characters to deliver continuous laughs as well as for story purposes. They differentiate […]
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The 15 Most Overlooked Films of The 2010s (So Far)

World cinema has seen an increasingly great number of overlooked and smaller features work its way onto the market over the past five years due to booming cinematic movements around the world, help of a stronger online presence both in the ability to showcase and discuss these features, and cheaper ways of making films. The […]
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20 Great Video Nasty Movies That Are Worth Your Time

In 1983 during the birth of VHS rentals, the United Kingdom’s Director of Public Prosecution released, under the influence of Mary “Morality Monger” Whitehouse, a list of 72 VHS tapes considered to be in violation of the Obscene Publications Act 1959. Whitehouse, who made a career out of telling other people how to live their […]
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The 25 Best Biopics of All Time

Biopics are a dime a dozen nowadays, especially considering how much the Academy Awards evidently adore them. Luckily, not all biopics cater to the Oscar-bait pitfalls that render them as formulaic and generic as one has come to dread. Whether a biopic depicts the life of a politician, a musician, a war hero or even […]
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Filmmaker Retrospective: The Contradictory Cinema of Hong Sang-soo

“I didn’t like looking at the truth through other people’s words. So I thought about how as close to the truth as possible I could materialize what I see through my own language. I would be happy even if it’s similar [to the truth] by the slightest amount. In such a way, [it’s] laying certain […]