12 Great Character Entrances and What They Can Teach You about Film Narrative

“They should appear like spongy jellyfish: Stinging and mortal at first touch” – Roger Ebert used to say about character introductions. There is something alluring in the way we recognize ourselves in the tantrums of some characters, in the way we let ourselves be destroy by the compass of their eyes. You can´t really put […]

10 Great Minimalist Films That Are Worth Your Time

Under The Skin (2014)

The connoisseurs of La-La-land have always been dreaming up spellbinding ways of hiking up the money tree and impressing millions. Sometimes it was through the glamorous sensuality of Dietrich and Munroe and, at others, it was the nerve-touching fair-ground attraction of computer generated worlds. Many times it was a knack for who-dunnits or who-killed-who-for-what? Alongside […]

15 Great Films That Blur The Line Between Fiction and Reality

essay films

The line between what is fiction (narrative) and reality (documentary) and the possible perceptions of each through the immediate separation of the frame have been blurred and reworked by filmmakers since the beginning of the cinema. This concept of the viewers perception of reality and what exists inside and outside the frame is equally as […]