20 Great Movies That Feature Notably Excessive Violence

movies with violence

As long as pictures are made by people, and very often about people in one-way or another, violent content is inevitable. Long has it been stereotyped, with despair, our species’ inherent love affair with violent activity, and the cinema is absolutely representative of that. Whether it be an entire several decade-enduring genre of American film […]

The 15 Greatest German Filmmakers of All Time


World Cinema – and American Cinema, in particular – as we know it has received substantial influence from the cinematic works made in Germany over the years. Films such as M, Nosferatu, Metropolis, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Fitzcarraldo and others are not strange titles to spectators’ ears, even for the general public. The heavy […]

15 Great Dreamlike Movies That Are Worth Your Time


The word ‘dreamlike’ is a vague characterization for a film as it does not refer to specific genres and it can’t be easily described. We could say it can only be felt by the viewer in the same way as a dream is experienced by the dreamer. ‘Dreamlike’ films often have surreal elements, complicated or non-linear storyline, mysterious […]

The 15 Best Movies About Fictional Musicians

best jazz movie scores

There’s something amazingly cinematic about a musician’s life. They are usually torn between vastness of their creative mind and hardships of the real world, yet they are strangely competent at making themselves likeable. Musicians are pretty much perceived as coolest human beings possible, and we like the myths and stories that make them larger than […]