20 Overlooked South Korean Movies That Are Worth Watching

overlooked south korean movie

The audience for South Korean cinema is currently larger than it was back when the New Wave started in 1998. Today, films by Cj Entertainment or Showbox could easily find foreign distribution if it feels right for international markets and audiences. The most convenient way to watch these films today is to probably stream it […]

The 13 Best Movies About Deteriorating American Suburbia

American suburbia as we know it was originally a product of the economic boom after World-War II. FHA loans became more accessible thus sparking a housing boom. Everyone bought houses. Large masses of land surrounding cities were prepped for large numbers of houses to be quickly constructed side by side. Roads and railways began evolving […]

The 15 Best Movies About Real Life Musicians


Telling a story about success through a biographical account of someone famous and contextualizing influences on their work with a backstory can be a difficult task. Making films about distinguishing musicians is no exception, with their delicate personalities and powerful impact that complex mechanisms of show business have on them. Combining visual with auditory in […]

10 Successful Filmmaker Transitions Between Independent and Blockbuster Filmmaking

Christopher Nolan film

Would one be excited at the prospect to point out their newfound discovery toward a modern Hollywood trend, exclusive to this contemporary climate of elongated, convoluted theatrical video game cut scenes and roundtable marketing morning meetings to determine what a 2010’s audience will lap off many a cinematic artist’s coveted silver screen? How about the […]