20 Great Movies That Had Major Influences On Film Noir

m 1931

In recent decades both film scholars and fans of vintage cinema have championed two unique film movements. One of these is the so-called “pre-code” school of films, pictures created before the censorship guidelines caused movies to become much more circumspect. The other movement, which has been of great public interest much longer than “pre-code”, would […]

16 Creepy Grande Dame Guignol Horror Films to Freak You Out


Popularly referred to as “hagsploitation” or “psycho-biddy” cinema, the genre of the Grande Dame Guignol was born, unintentionally, in 1962 by horror film director Robert Aldrich. After his sensational hit, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, starring screen legends Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, a string of “older women in peril” films rushed into production, […]

The 20 Best Movies With a Nonlinear Storyline

once upon a time in america

Nonlinear narratives comprise a vast amount of narratives that do not tend to follow the direct causality pattern of their depicted events. Generally speaking, such amount responds to the variety of available resources, from flashbacks to anarchic deconstructions, narrators have to constitute nonlinear exercises. Experimentation with non linear narratives in Cinema can be traced to […]