10 Masterpieces of Asian Art Cinema Every Movie Fan Should See


Asian cinema is always a force to be reckoned with in the world cinema scene. Early in the 1950s, Japan and India had made internationally acclaimed films that introduced a different culture and film language to the West. Between 1960s and 1980s, filmmakers from Japan, Iran and Hong Kong were inspired to make New Wave […]

10 Great Movies That Deglamorize Their Subject Matters

Ray Liotta - “Goodfellas”

If there is one thing that the film industry is regularly accused of, it is glorifying or glamourizing certain issues within their movies. Some films take the aspects of an issue that will look good on camera rather than aspects that are actually important to the issues they are supposedly tackling, they brush over elements […]

30 Great Detective Movies That Are Worth Your Time

A graven image from the first moments of film, the detective was an archetypal hero from the hard-boiled school seminary of crime stories and early cinema through to present day. Sometimes referred to as a private eye, a peeper, a gumshoe, shamus, dick or a sleuth, and usually an embodiment of über male machismo, detective […]

The 10 Best Movies Influenced by Kierkegaardian Philosophy

Soren Kierkegaard was an interesting man. A Danish philosopher, he is often considered the first existentialist (though yes, existentialism is much older than Kierkegaard), as well as a theologian and social critic. His works deal with faith, ethical life, repetition, choice, despair, and everything else related to living as an individual. Many of his writings […]