15 Essential Jean-Luc Godard Films You Need To Watch

Jean-Luc Godard is one of the most well-known figures of La nouvelle vague, or the French New Wave. Filmmaker, screenwriter and critic, he started as a writer for the influential Cahiers du Cinema, like Claude Chabrol, Jacques Rivettes, Eric Rohmer and Francois Truffaut, who are also influential directors of the movement. Andre Bazin, the theorist […]

The 14 Most Annoying Supporting Characters in Movies


So there you are, watching and enjoying your movie, and a supporting character shows up that makes you sit up and think: “well dang – that was pretty annoying. Then it happens again. And again. With the same character. Pretty soon all you’re thinking about the movie is how annoying that man/woman/Rastafarian-Gungan is, and not […]