The 30 Best Films Starring Mostly Non-Professional Actors

City of God

Sometimes a necessary compromise due to budget limitations, but most of the time a conscious artistic decision made during the development or the pre-production of a movie, working with non-professional actors is a filmmaking practice adopted by many directors of various cinema eras and movements. The non-professionals’ lack of training, together with their presumable real-life […]

The 10 Best Isabelle Huppert Movie Performances

best isabelle huppert movies

Laurence Olivier was once asked why actors choose such a profession. He replied, “Look at me, look at me, look at me.” Defying that comment, Isabelle Huppert represents the fearless and selfless artistic integrity that should be at the heart of every performer. She challenges herself as much as she challenges audiences. At over 60 […]

10 Great Movies That Lost Best Picture To Forgettable Winners

Goodfellas (1990)

Regardless of popular opinion regarding The Academy Awards, the ceremony is arguably the most prestigious celebration of talent in the cinematic calendar. For the recipients of an Oscar, it is an accolade that remains connected to their work for the remainder of their career. The top prize of the Oscars is awarded for Best Picture, an […]