The 10 Best Performances in The Movies of Steven Spielberg


Who would have thought the son of a pianist and an electrical engineer would grow up to be one of Hollywood’s most powerful, influential and popular film directors of all time? Spielberg attended the California State University, Long Beach, where he wrote and directed a 26-minute short film called Amblin, a quirky 1960s love story […]

The 10 Best Hard Sci-fi Movies of All Time

Hard science fiction is a sub-genre of science fiction, containing movies that while not losing their fiction status, largely emphasizes on the scientific accuracy and/or the technical detail of the movie. While most science fiction movies especially in earlier years were all about alien invasions and action, or were giving a more comedic approach to […]

10 Dark Indie Movies from 2005 to 2015 Worth Your Time

Father’s Day (2011)

Dark, Offbeat, Fringe Independent films could also be described as bearing the characteristics of “Proto-cult” films or “On the verge” of becoming something like an underground favorite… and this list of 10 films focuses on a specific selection that bear these qualities. All but one of the films on this list have received at least […]

The 10 Best Movies About Real Life Journalists


Spotlight’s victory in this year’s Academy Awards doesn’t mark the first time the Best Picture award was given to a movie telling a true story, but it probably stands as the first Best Picture winner to portray real-life journalists in the daily grind of their jobs. Walter Robinson, Mike Rezendes, Sacha Pfeiffer, Matt Carroll and […]