25 New Hollywood Era Films That Projected the Hopes and Fears of the Times

By the 1960s, the golden age of Hollywood was dead and buried. The studio systems were failing, productions were not gaining as much clout as they had been in the war years. The image of the wholesome family entrenched in white picket fences and jaded happiness became stale and was reflected in the anti-establishment movements […]

The 10 Best John Cusack Movie Performances

Most audiences and critics consider great actors to be the ones who cause the most noise. The abilities to cry on command, scream in anguish, practice foreign accents, carry out method intensity to the point of self-torture, and be so chameleon-like they’re unrecognizable are the traits most associated with the elected “great” actors of the […]

The 10 Most Distinct Traits of Stanley Kubrick’s Cinema

Stanley Kubrick is one of the most celebrated directors in cinematic history. His demand for perfection on screen, his incessant amount of retakes, and his incredible intelligence helped create some of the best films ever made. More than that, though, since his death in 1999, his films have only grown in popularity. Looking at his entire […]