15 Great Movies That Are Based on Directors’ Own Lives

semi-autobiographical movies

“All art is autobiographical.” – Federico Fellini “The films I made are as autobiographical as fiction can be.” – Jean Eustache “Well, I mean, isn’t everything autobiographical? I mean, we all see the world through our own tiny keyhole, right?” – Jesse Wallace (Ethan Hawke) talking about his art in Richard Linklater’s “Before Sunset” (2004) […]

12 Movies That Are Perfect To Watch at Midnight

Eyes Wide Shut

Great films to watch at Midnight: this is different from the popular term given to b-list cult films, ‘Midnight-Movies’, like The Room, Eraser Head, and Pink Flamingos. This is for the films that thrive on the romanticised, abstract, vibe that Midnight reverberates; that time when it’s not quite today but it’s not quite tomorrow, when […]