10 Great Movies That Make You Glad You’re Single

Listen: being single can be pretty great. Romantic relationships, though glorified in all art forms, can also be incredibly messy affairs that lead to heartbreak, emotional distress, and worse. At least if you’re single no one can hurt you and there’s more wine available for yourself. And single people get short shift in films. If […]

The 10 Most Overrated Movie Directors Working Today


In today’s cinematic landscape, there are many treasured filmmakers working. We can count ourselves fortunate to be able to await a new Paul Thomas Anderson film this December (unfortunately Daniel Day-Lewis’s confirmed last picture), for example. Scorsese still continues to release strong films consistently. Producing not feelings of anticipation and expectation, however, are some arguably […]

The 20 Best Movies Adapted from or Inspired by Philip K. Dick

“For everyone lost in the endlessly multiplicating realities of the modern world, remember: Philip K. Dick got there first.” — Terry Gilliam Today considered one of the most favored and influential American sci-fi writers of all time, Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) has, since his death, been the focal point of a rare and deserved reappraisal. […]

10 Forgotten Movie Masterpieces That Need To Be Rediscovered (Part 5)

When one takes up the study of film, either academically or as a hobby, it becomes important to see and study the films that make up the principal canons of the officially “great.” While it is enriching to view the lofty achievements of cinema history, one might well get burnt out on “greatness” if it […]

The 10 Best Structured Movies of All Time

It’s amazing to think of the vast methods one can use to structure a story. Depending on the narrative itself, you could distort the structure any way you deem necessary, considering the structure enhances the story. Whatever structure the writer decides upon, all good stories fundamentally follow the basic three-act structure. From then on there’s […]