2017 certainly had more than its share of blockbuster releases; from Marvel and DC superheroes smacking each other around to mixbag Stephen King adaptations and Star Wars space operatics unfolding with seemingly limitless budgets and big name superstars. And while such large studio fare gets most of the attention when it comes to audiences plaudits, […]
Month: January 2018
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The 10 Best Animated Movies of 2017
2017 was a good year for film. Whether it be drama, comedy or action, this was definitely a year that had great films released from many different genres. On this list, we’re going to approach animated movies from that year that definitely should be watched, not only by fans or enthusiasts of animation, but by […]
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10 Great Movies With The Best Mise-en-scène
Originally used in theater, mise-en-scene is one of the most powerful concepts/tolls of filmmaking. It involves the arrangement of what appears in the frame, and the relation of it with the camera. The French term is used in every film from neorealism to contemporary filmmaking that draws away clearly from realism. David Bordwell and Kristin […]
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10 Famous Actors Who Were Fired During Production
The arduous process for a struggling actor to get their foot in the door and land a big, fat lead role in a major movie is tough enough process, and one where most would assume is guaranteed to last until filming wraps. Well, that’s not always the case. It’s rare (not to mention expensive) to […]
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15 Movie Directors Who Make The Most Profound Films
This was a list really hard to edit. First of all has to define what profound means in cinema, and in art in general. Looking for the word profound in the dictionary, I found interpretations such as ‘penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge’, ‘having deep insight and understanding’, ‘of deep meaning’, […]