Since Georges Méliès established the first cinema studio in Montreuil of France, before the 19th century’s sunset, a glowing sunrise was already prepared to take place above the stage of the European cinema. His iconic and determinant “A Trip to the Moon” was a first venturous, resplendent step that blazed a trail for countless cinematic […]
Month: July 2018
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10 Cult Movies That Are Now Considered Masterpieces
Cult films are so often synonymous with the trashy, midnight musings of eccentric artists like Jesús Franco, John Waters, Tommy Wiseau, and Ed Wood. And while those aforementioned filmmakers and many more have amassed a considerable and deserving following, with very few exceptions it would be difficult to label any of their works as a […]
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The 10 Best Micro-Budget Movies of The 21st Century
The term “microbudget” may seem a little vague, and while many authorities on film can’t quite agree on what amount of money qualifies as a microbudget film, this list will focus on feature films made for less than $250,000 USD (or equivalent). I will mostly discuss first-time films and/or features that established their respective directors […]
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10 Classic Films That Are Ideologically Inacceptable Today
The history of film is the history of mankind from 1895 to the present day. Cinema has documented everything from the palpable and the general (conflicts, geo-political changes, significant events, remarkable destinies) to the impalpable and the intimate (thinking movements, behavioral adjustments, deaths, rebirths and emergences of values). More deeply than finance, more covertly than […]
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10 Great Movies Almost Impossible To Describe
Before diving in, let’s touch on the difference between a summary and a description: to summarize a plot is to glean the basic story, which is a simple task in most cases. To go a step further and really describe a movie, the experience you’re about to have, is another beast entirely. From octopus lovers […]
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The 10 Most Disappointing Movies of 2018 So Far
Since this has become somewhat customary, it appears that now is the time for another mid-year list of big disappointments. As much as Taste of Cinema readers love reading lists about recommendations, it’s worth exploring movies that may be better left avoided. It’s particularly important to talk about these movies because, in theory, they seemed […]