All 17 Best Actors Oscar Winners From The 21st Century Ranked From Worst To Best

The Oscars for Best Actor in the 21st century awarded some of the best actors of this generation. There were overall very demanding performances, so it was a list that was quite difficult to rank. Comparing it with the respective Best Actress list, we notice that most of the men’s leading roles present a positive […]

The 10 Best Russian Movies of All Time

Russian cinema is one of the most productive and internationally recognized in the world. It has its beginnings in the Russian empire, and then was developed through the Soviet period and the new times. The pioneers of Russian cinema explored the possibilities of the seventh art and performed interesting experiments, like the Kuleshov effect and […]

The 20 Best Movies Distributed By A24

2017 was an exceptionally strong year for films, particularly smaller budget, limited releases. Being an independent film studio has never been an easy task when production companies such as Paramount or Fox Searchlight and their endless access to cash have a stranglehold on the market. There have been few stars, however, that have shone so […]

The 15 Best Crime Movies About Plans Going Wrong

Why do we love crime movies so much? Well, let’s see: we have gangsters, car chases, overcomplicated heists, infiltrated moles, choreographic and violent shoot-outs, and sometimes spectacular action set pieces. Plus, of course, there’s the sheer fun of empathizing with the bad guys… or the good guys who will try to take ‘em down. One […]