10 Great Movies With 100% Rotten Tomatoes Score

This list of films is necessarily inadequate. There are a large number of truly great films to have received a hundred percent critically favourable reviews. It would have been desirable to select silent classics of German Expressionism such as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Hitchcock’s drama Shadow of a Doubt, Kieślowski’s Red and especially the […]

The 15 Best Movies About Mistaken Identities

Since the dawn of consciousness, identity has been something that’s complicated to understand, and through the years many philosophers, thinkers and artists have sought to find out what ‘identity’ really is. “Why am I me and not somebody else?”, “What makes me different from the rest?”, “Why does everybody have a different personality?”. While these […]

10 Movies From 2017 That Didn’t Meet The Expectations

2017 saw the release of hundreds of films in a multitude of genres. There were box office smashes, and box office flops. There were surprise hits, and expected successes. But what can certainly be said is that audiences undoubtedly looked forward to, and eagerly awaited, a plethora of new film releases. Anticipation for a film […]