We live in a world of numerous remake, reboot, sequel, prequel, spin-off, and cinematic universes. These terms are so similar; yet, so different in definition, that it can drive a potential viewer to disregard them completely. Although, in the 21st century, a largely derogatory connotation is attached with movie sequels in the film buff’s mind […]
Month: February 2019
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The 10 Best Biographical Movies of 2018

When you hear of a “biographical film,” you may think of mostly formulaic, even some manipulative stuff like “The Theory of Everything” and/or “A Beautiful Mind,” but the genre is much more than that. There’s almost a certain formula when it comes to biopics. If it’s an inspirational person, the movie will surely have some […]
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10 Great 2018 Movie Performances Nobody Talks About

Awards season is approaching an end, which means you’ll finally stop hearing about Rami Malek and Regina King. That’s cause for celebration, since most people are sick of hearing about these performances for three to four long months. Are they worthy of praise? Absolutely, but there comes a time when people are just ready to […]
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10 Visually Stunning Movies Inspired By The French New Wave

As the years go by, cars lose their curves, records lose their scratchy sound and homes lose their lace. Times change and so do we‒ all at one with our cultures, our aesthetics, our fashions. Change is a need. It’s an unstoppable force, maybe, but it doesn’t erase memory in its sweeping establishment. On the […]
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10 Great 2018 Movies That Deserve Higher IMDb Ratings

Every year it’s a given that there’s a great many films that go without the recognition they deserve. When you take into consideration there’s thousands of films made every single year, and let’s try dwindling that down to maybe a few hundred that are actually worthwhile, there’s no way we can expect people to go […]
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10 Great Bizarre Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

This is a list for those of you who enjoy films that have some “weirdness” to them, in different degrees. Of course, what “strange” and “weird” actually means is up to the individual person. To some, “Amélie” can be a weird and fun (and very French) film, while others have to dig deep into the […]