With so many movies being released each year, it shouldn’t shock anyone to hear that plenty of them disappoint. This is especially true when you think about how often Hollywood tries to reinvigorate franchises that are near and dear to people’s hearts. Put simply, not every movie is going to be a winner. It’s not […]
Month: July 2019
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10 Great Recent Horror Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

There are many things for which the world of horror is understandably recognized—chills, frights, and beastly delights abound in this cinematic macrocosm of inexplicable noises and bumps in the night. Yet a seemingly endless saturation of retreaded concepts, polemical contrivance, and botched attempts at nuance may leave more astutely inclined moviegoers with the impression that […]
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The 10 Best Movies To Watch With Your Friends

Ever see a film and wish that you had seen it with a particular friend (instead of alone or the actual person you went to see it with) or ever see a film that afterwards brought a rush of memories about a past friendship, now severed or faded? The following films speak to the power […]
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The 10 Best Low-Budget Sci-fi Movies of All Time

Many people regard science fiction cinema as a set of space adventure movies full of special effects and made with high budgets. Sheer entertainment, a treat for a Saturday night with a huge box of popcorns and a big recipient of soda with a straw… And yes, the majority of sci-fi films conform to this […]
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The 10 Most Beautiful Movies of 2019 (So Far)

We’re already just passing the midpoint of 2019 –– where does the time go? –– and so what better time than right now to look at what have been the most visually impressive films of the year? Sure, the fall and winter will surely see a tidal wave of worthy and prestige award’s bound fare, […]