IMDb ratings have recently been at the center of some controversies, especially because of groups of “fans” that took it upon themselves to storm the ratings of films like “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and the “Ghostbusters” remake to make them lower. The ratings have always been an inexact tool to say the least, as […]
Author: Caio Coletti
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10 Visually Stunning Movies That Are Still Terrible

There’s plenty of discussion to have about what makes a visually stunning film; some movies manage a harmonious marriage between visual stunts and storytelling, and some prioritize one over the other. Conversely, what some people might consider beautiful, others might consider gimmicky and overall unworthy of praise. In this list, I’ve strived to collect a […]
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10 Great Revenge Movies No One Talks About

They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but I beg to differ – it’s best served with a side of cinematic genius. In this list, I strive to give to you revenge movies in a host of different genres (horror, drama, western, etc) that are not as well known as they perhaps should […]
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10 Recent Movies That Will Make You Laugh and Cry

Call them dramedies – laughter and crying may seem to be polar opposite emotions, but some works of cinema are able to bring them together in a big amalgam of relatable, hysterical, moving storytelling. These rare precious films deserve to be celebrated for the gamut of emotions they put us through, their therapeutic value, their […]
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10 Movies From The 21st Century That Already Earned Cult Status

A “cult movie” isn’t exactly something easy to define. To achieve cult status, a film should have some degree of cultural influence in the works that came after it, but not too much as to become a mainstream hit. It should also have an innovative spirit, or a unique point of view, or simply be […]
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10 Great 2017 Movies Most People Didn’t See

The world of film is so vast it’s impossible to watch everything that is good, everything we wish to, or everything we even hear of. That’s why lists like this one are useful – they provide you with good tips of films that might have flew under your radar, or that you even thought you […]