Films have the ability to evoke a number of emotions. Some films make you laugh, some make you cry and some are deeply moving. A film that warms your heart can do that in various ways, and is not exclusive to one genre. But overall it can be generally said that a film that warms […]
Author: Cara McWilliam-Richardson
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7 Reasons Why “Ready Player One” Is One of Spielberg’s Worst Movies

In spite of being an international bestselling novel, Ready Player One has always been the subject of polarising opinions. Whilst many hail it as one of the best books of recent times, others have called it wildly overrated. With this in mind, it is no surprise that the film has followed suit – dividing opinions, […]
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8 Reasons Why “Wonder Woman” Is Overrated

Hailed as the saviour of the DCEU, Wonder Woman garnered so much attention and positivity that it was even being discussed as a possible Oscar contender. The film also set a number of box office records. It grossed over $820 million at the box office and is the sixth highest grossing superhero film of all […]
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The 10 Most Overrated Best Picture Winners Ever

Every year since 1929, Hollywood has gathered together on one night of the year to recognise excellence in cinematic achievements. Twenty four awards are given out, with their recipients voted for by thousands of Academy members. The most sought after and recognised award is that of the Best Picture award with the nominees in that […]
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10 Great Movies Where We Root For The Bad Guy

It’s simple – we always root for the good guys and dislike the bad guys. But hang on, do we? Actually it’s not that simple and more than ever, audiences are finding themselves rooting for and supporting the bad guys, the villains, and the antagonists. But what is it that so attracts us to the […]
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7 Reasons Why “Black Panther” Is Marvel’s Best Movie

It is never a surprise when a Marvel film tops the box office, but Black Panther has surpassed everyone’s expectations and has become one of Marvel’s most successful films to date. Not only has it currently made over $700 million at the global box office, it has also achieved critical acclaim. Black Panther has made […]